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Her Greek Inheritance (The Greek Brothers Book 1) Page 5

  He smiled and nodded. “I’ve got a penthouse suite while I’m here. Come, dinner is calling us.”

  Gemma allowed him to lead her into the elegant hotel lobby, looking back and forth as she tried to take in everything at once. Located as close to the White House and Lafayette Park as one could get, the hotel was like stepping into a luxurious private dimension in which only the most elite resided. The arched columns, encased in vibrant walnut workmanship, the stamped and painted ceilings, and the white marble flooring made sure every occupant felt surrounded by elegance. The décor was a mixture of old and new. Everything sparkled. Gemma felt sorely underdressed and ill prepared for mixing with anyone they might meet.

  He led her to a private elevator. Soon they stepped out into a small hallway and he ushered her into a suite fit for a king. Ecru walls, elegant armchairs, large floral bouquets, and floor to ceiling drapes made the space look enormous. She wandered over to the windows and looked out at the D.C. skyline. She could see the Washington Monument in the distance, and beyond that, the Lincoln Memorial. It was D.C. in all its glory, displayed for the fortunate person who could afford to stay in such surroundings.

  “The view is very nice.” Alexi came up behind her and touched her shoulder softly. “What would you like to eat?”

  Gemma looked over her shoulder at him and suddenly remembered that Aimee and Damien were waiting for her at home. She tensed. Should I leave, or call and ask Aimee to cover for me? When Alexi started massaging her tight shoulders, her body made the decision for her. “Um…I don’t really care. I need to make a phone call home. People are waiting for me.”

  He released her with a terse nod. He stepped back, heading for a small table that held a phone and what appeared to be a rather lengthy menu. “I will order some food while you take care of your phone call.”

  Gemma took out her phone and pressed the button to dial home. Did I imagine it, or did his voice sound colder all of a sudden? Aimee answered and she turned back to the windows. “Aimee?”

  “Hey! I was beginning to get worried. Are you still at work?”

  “No. I ran into an old friend and he asked me to dinner. I haven’t seen him in a while. I was hoping you could hang out with…”

  “Girl, you never go out and do something for yourself. I just have one question. Is he cute?”

  Gemma blushed. “Yeah. He is. So, if you don’t mind…”

  “I really don’t. Have fun and if dinner becomes a nightcap and then breakfast, so much the better!”

  Gemma smiled. “Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Aimee giggled. “Fall apart. Have a good time.”

  Gemma disconnected the call. She turned to see Alexi watching her from across the room with a frown upon his face. She pocketed her phone. “Is everything alright?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Dinner will be served momentarily. I ordered some wine as well. I hope you like it.”

  Gemma smiled. “I’m sure I will. I don’t get the chance to drink very often.”

  A knock on the door heralded the arrival of their dinner, served on an elegant wheeled cart with silver domed lids covering the various dishes. Alexi had ordered up a succulent selection of vegetables, breads and prime rib that melted in her mouth. The wine he’d ordered was delicious, as was the delicate caramel soufflé that completed their meal. He tried to refill her wine glass, but she switched to water, wanting all of her faculties present so that she didn’t make another terrible mistake.

  “Dinner was wonderful.” She relaxed. He’d kept the conversation light and non-threatening, reminding her what an enjoyable dinner companion he was. Most of her misgivings had disappeared.

  “Shall we sit on the couch and have our coffee?” He stood up, offering her his hand.

  Gemma shook her head. “I could move, but I still don’t drink coffee. Most of my co-workers think there is something wrong with me, but I just can’t stand the stuff.”

  He smiled at her. “No coffee then. Just conversation.” He pulled her down to sit beside him, keeping hold of her hand longer than was necessary. “Tell me what you’ve been doing for the last two years.”

  Gemma leaned back against the couch, enjoying the comfort of the deep cushions and soft lighting. “I’ve been working at the museum.”

  “Ah, restoring the great masterpieces of the world?” He teased, reaching for a stray lock of her hair and rubbing it back and forth between his fingertips.

  “Yes, some.” She watched as he slowly leaned towards her and kissed the tip of her nose. He ventured lower, tasting her lips, and then her chin. And then he nudged her head to the side and trailed a path of kisses down her neck. His hands molded themselves to her torso, and only when she felt cool air flow over the skin of her stomach, did she realize he’d unbuttoned her shirt. Rather than being offended, she gave herself over to the chemistry building between them, rejoicing in how feminine he made her feel. His hands seemed to be everywhere as he learned her taste.

  She felt a strong desire to see his chest and tugged at his shirt, pulling if from his slacks and then quickly undoing the buttons. She threw it wide open, running her palms across his hairless chest, revelling in the pure sculpted muscle beneath her fingers. Her delighted smile became a gasp and his hands found their way inside her waistband. “Alexi…”

  He paused for a moment and then removed his hands. He stood, sweeping her up into his arms. “The couch is no place for this activity. I want you in a bed where I can stretch out and take my time with this delicious body.”

  Gemma flushed hot as arousal shot through her system. “I want to touch you as well.”

  “You will get no complaints from me.” He laid her down on the bed and made short work of removing the rest of his clothes. He undid her pants, pulling them from her person. Her underwear followed, leaving her clad only in her bra. He levered himself over her prone form and then used his hands and teeth to tease her until lying still was impossible.

  “Alexi, I want you.” Gemma had never been outspoken in the bedroom, except with Alexi. With him, she was secure and confident enough to ask for what she wanted. And right now, she wanted him. “Don’t tease me anymore. I want you inside of me. Now.”

  He laughed at her and then settled back on his knees. He pushed her thighs even further apart, teasing her with his hands until she was at the edge, moaning for more. “Now you are ready.”

  Gemma was so far gone she needed him to finish what he had started. When he settled between her thighs and pressed into her, she could only tip her head back and arch into his touch. “God, that feels so good.”

  “Se hriazome.”

  “What does that mean?” She closed her eyes as he began to move deep within her.

  “I need you.” His breathing was only slightly uneven. “Wrap your thighs around my hips, lígo gáta. Hold on tight to me.”

  Gemma did as requested, holding on as he pounded into her, taking them both to the pinnacle of pleasure. Her heart soared as she reached her climax and basked in the aftermath. No one had ever made her feel this way. Being with Alexi was like coming home again. It felt so good that words could never suffice to describe the feeling. With a contented sigh, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  It wasn’t until she awakened in the wee hours of the morning that regret settled in. She moved his arm from around her chest and made her way to the bathroom. She glanced down at herself, feeling reality hit her like a brick wall. She dampened a wet cloth to wipe away the evidence of his desire for her. Damn! He didn’t use a condom! I didn’t insist on it!

  Gemma paled. The past seemed to repeat itself right before her eyes. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. How stupid could I be? The sex had been out of this world, but they’d had unprotected sex once before. And remember what that got you!

  She didn’t regret having Damien, but she wasn’t prepared to go through another pregnancy on her own. Gemma did the only thing she could think of. She ran.

  Chapter 7
r />   Leo woke up just before dawn to find that Gemma had fled the hotel room. His first response was to call her and demand she return, but then he wondered if she’d fled because she’d discovered his true identity. I can’t let anything stop me from getting those stock certificates back.

  He dressed quickly and then called his driver. He had Gemma’s address from the stock transfer letter and also the private investigator’s report. He gave his driver the address and then settled back, watching as they travelled away from the touristy part of Washington, D.C. and entered what he could only describe as slums—rundown apartment buildings, older cars in need of repair, and graffiti painted on the sides of buildings and overpasses.

  They came to a stop in front of a large apartment complex. “Sir, are you sure this is the correct address?” his driver asked.

  “Is this the address I gave you?” Leo surveyed the neighborhood, vowing Gemma would not spend one more night in such surroundings. He’d enjoyed having her in his bed, and her response had indicated she felt the same. While he convinced her to return to Greece with him, he would make sure that she was pampered and treated like a princess there. Surely that would go a long way towards convincing her to sign the stock back over.

  “This is it. Do you want me to go up?”

  Leo shook his head. “No, I will go.” He exited the vehicle and made his way to the apartment’s entrance. The lock was broken and only one door closed tightly. According to his information, Gemma lived on the third floor. He turned towards the elevator only to see an “Out of Order” sign taped haphazardly to the doors. “Dekára. I guess it’s a good thing I haven’t already hit the gym.”

  Leo climbed the three flights of stairs, barely breaking a sweat by the time he stood in front of the door leading to Gemma’s home. He knocked once on the door and then he was staring into the Gemma’s frazzled face.

  “Alexi!” Her eyes widened. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, since you didn’t see fit to say goodbye, I came to check on you. We are not finished, you and I.”

  Gemma backed away from him. Her face was pale and it appeared she’d been crying. Before he could investigate the cause of her tears, a little boy with deep blue eyes and dark hair latched onto her leg.

  Gemma picked the child up in what seemed like panic. Leo frowned as she ignored him in favour of whispering to the child, backing away into the small apartment.

  Leo watched her retreat, noticing an open suitcase sitting on the worn couch. She’s leaving? Why?

  A knock came on the door and a young man stepped inside. “Sis! Hey, Sis!”

  Gemma came back with the child in her arms. She gave Leo a stern look before addressing the newcomer. “Tyler! What are you doing here?”

  “I just came by to see if you had any news on the tuition money.”

  Gemma’s shoulders slumped. She shook her head. “Tyler, it’s only been a few days. I need more time.”

  “Well, yeah.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I figured you might.”

  “Did you have any luck finding a better paying job?” she asked quietly, trying to cut Leo out of the conversation.

  Leo wasn’t content to be ignored. He made a point of studying the apartment, making sure both Tyler and Gemma knew he was there. The child in her arms watched him carefully, one thumb in his mouth.

  “No such luck. Hey, kid. Come here, buddy.” Tyler took the child from Gemma’s arms, kissing his tummy and making him giggle. “Did you have a good day?”

  The child clapped his hands on either side of Tyler’s cheeks and made a big production of kissing him on the lips.

  Tyler grinned and hugged him close. “That’s the best thing to happen to me today.” He set the little boy down near some blocks and turned to Leo. “You her new boyfriend?”

  “Tyler!” Gemma flushed red.

  Leo was still trying to figure out the dynamic between these two siblings. “Something like that. You are Gemma’s brother?”

  “Yeah, Tyler. Sis has been helping me finish school. She’s a real gem, aren’t you, Gemma?” Tyler laughed at his own wordplay.

  Gemma looked very uncomfortable. “Don’t you have someplace to be?”

  Leo hid his smirk. Anxious to be alone with me again? As soon as your brother takes his kid and gets out, you and I can discuss the future, he promised Gemma silently.

  Tyler consulted his watch and grimaced. “Yeah, I’m supposed to be at work in ten minutes.”

  Gemma gave a look of disbelief. “The pizza shop is on the other side of D.C. That’s at least a thirty minute drive this time of day.”

  Tyler waved her concern off. “Yeah, I’m not worried. Who else are they going to get to drive around this town until two o’clock in the morning?” When Gemma glowered at him, he rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll call and tell them I’m going to be a little late.”

  He reached down and tickled the boy. “See ya, kid.” He nodded to Leo. “Nice to meet you.” He stopped, as if remembering that Leo hadn’t actually introduced himself, but shrugged. “Have fun.”

  He left the same way he’d entered, slamming the door behind him. Leo frowned, wondering why he didn’t take his child with him. He turned to Gemma to see her picking up the little boy.

  She squared her shoulders. “I think it’s time you left as well.”

  “And I think you should tell me what arrangement you and your brother have. Are you his babysitter and bank?” Leo’s tone was aggressive. He suddenly had a suspicion that while Tyler was content to play college boy, his sister was working herself to the death to provide money for his tuition and helping to raise his child. Tyler looked to be in his early twenties. Why Gemma would allow herself to be used in such a manner puzzled him.

  “My brother has nothing to do with us.” The child squirmed and Gemma put him down.

  The door opened before she could say more. Tyler popped his head back in. “Hey, I forgot to tell you. They’re offering free vaccinations at the medical clinic on campus this weekend. I thought maybe we could take Damien…”

  Damien? Leo looked at the child and the light dawned. Damien is a child, not Gemma’s husband. His sense of relief was palpable.

  Gemma eyed him with a frown and then turned away. “I’m not even sure what shots he needs…”

  “Don’t you have a copy of his vaccination record around here somewhere?” Tyler asked. “I could drop it by the clinic on one of my deliveries later.”

  Gemma hesitated, seemingly torn between getting the documents and not leaving Leo alone with Tyler and the boy.

  “Sis, get a move on. I’m late, remember?”

  Gemma scurried out of the room, leaving Leo and Tyler alone with the child. Leo took advantage of her absence. “Damien…how old is he?”

  Tyler grinned. “A year and a half. He’s a good boy.”

  Leo nodded. “His mother… She is not in the picture any longer? Your sister is helping you raise him?”

  Tyler looked confused and then started laughing. “You think Damien’s mine? Wow! That’s the best one I’ve heard all week. I can’t keep a plant alive, let alone a little kid. No, Damien is Gemma’s.”

  Leo digested this news. “And the kid’s father?”

  Tyler shook his head, “No idea. She won’t talk about him. I’ve not actually seen her spend any time with a man since… Well, years. You’re the first guy she’s hung out with since Damien was born.”

  They both stopped talking as Gemma reappeared. “Here are the records.”

  Tyler took them. “Great! Okay, now I’ve really got to run.”

  “Don’t get a speeding ticket.” Gemma advised him as he slammed back out the door. “Your insurance is already high enough…” Her voice slowly trailed off. She looked at Damien and then back to Leo. “I really wish you would leave.”

  Leo looked at her suitcase. “Going somewhere?”

  Gemma followed his eyes and bit her bottom lip. “I have a friend who lives down South. I thought I might visit
her for a few days, but I can’t afford to take the time off. Obviously.” She nodded towards the door Tyler had just exited.

  Leo looked at her for another moment. He turned on his heel and stepped out the apartment door. “Gemma, it was a pleasure. I will see you again soon.”

  Gemma shook her head. “I don’t think that would be a very good idea. I’m really busy and…”

  Leo gave her a smile. “I can see that. Until we meet again.” He let the door close, an idea forming in his brain. Damien was old enough to be Alexi’s child. If that was the case, he deserved to be raised with the full benefit of the Moustakas family at his disposal. Not in these squalid conditions.

  Gemma might think he was dumb, but now that he knew the truth, nothing was going to keep him from taking Damien home to meet his grandparents and assume his rightful place in the family—not even Gemma.

  Chapter 8

  The next day…

  Gemma smiled down at Damien as she grabbed a sippy cup full of juice and slipped it into the side pocket of the diaper bag. “Ready to go?” She had the weekend off and the National Zoo had baby pandas that she was anxious to see. Damien was still too young to fully appreciate the wonder of a zoo, but she hoped that by taking him there often, he would come to appreciate nature.

  Aimee sat in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of coffee. “Have fun, you two.”

  Gemma nodded. “We shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours…”She was interrupted by her ringing phone. She pulled it from her pocket. “Hello?”

  “Miss Larsen?”

  Gemma’s heart dropped upon hearing her supervisor’s voice. “Yes, Sir. How are you?”

  “You don’t have to be nice to me. I realize me calling you on your day off isn’t enjoyable, but there is a situation at the museum that requires your immediate attention.”